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1. 貿易保護有時是必要的貿易手段。
Sometimes commerce protection is a necessary diplomacy. -
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The lateral cerebellar hemispheres (cerebrocerebellum;A, yellow) store programs for voluntary movements (manual dexterity). (→A1) In voluntary movements, associative cortical areas (→A1) activate, via pontine nuclei(→A2), neurons in the hemispheres (→A3)whose efferent impulses (orange) project, via the dentate nucleus (→A4) and thalamus(→A5), to the motor cortex (→A5). From here spinal motoneurons are activated via the pyramidal tract (violet). Lesions in the hemispheres or in structures connected with them thus impair initiation and planning of movements.The intermediate part of the hemisphere(spinocerebellum, light blue) is mainly responsible for the control of movement. Via spinocerebellar afferents (blue) it receives information about the state of the motor apparatus. Neurons of the spinocerebellum project to the red nucleus (→A9) and thalamus via the nuclei emboliformis and globosus (→A8). Spinal motoneurons are influenced by the red nucleus via the rubrospinal tract and by the thalamus via the motor cortex and the pyramidal tract. Disorders of the spinocerebellum impair the execution and control of voluntary movements.The neurons of this part of the cerebellum project directly to the vestibular nucleus (→A11) as well as via the nuclei fastigii (→A12) to the thalamus, to the reticular formation (→A13),and to the contralateral vestibular nucleus (→A14). Spinal motoneurons receive impulses via the vestibulospinal and reticulospinal tracts, via the thalamocortical and corticospinal tracts. Lesions in the flocculus, nodulus,and vermis mainly affect balance and body posture as well as the muscles of the trunk and face. -
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譯作欣賞~【學術】【中文翻譯英文】【初稿】 2009-3-64247 【學術】【中文翻譯英文】【初稿未校稿】 1. 營響國中生活科技課程實施電腦輔助學之因素及其實施策略。第五屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會論文集 The factors that influence the enforcement&…
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譯作欣賞~【履歷表】【韓文翻譯中文】【初稿】 2009-3-36831 4. 譯作欣賞~【履歷表】【韓文翻譯中文】 1997-1999 TEA Vocational School 在就讀專科期間,就讀資訊科,學了一些基礎的網頁編寫, 電腦維修以及程式設計,奠定了我在未來幾年裏,在此方面 幫助身邊的人,因為喜愛幫助同伴,因此開拓了我的人際關係. 1997-19…
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That capitalism has been shown, in practice, to be endemically flawed should come as no surprise. That is the nature of mankind. What is more important is that history, notably the history of the world after the second world war, has demonstrated beyond dispute that every other system of economic organisation is far worse. So capitalism both deserves to survive, and will survive, just as it did after the even greater economic disaster of the 1930s.
實踐已表明,資本主義存在固有缺陷,這一點不足為奇。那是人類的天性。更重要的是,歷史 —— 尤其是二戰之後的世界歷史已無可辯駁地證明,其它所有經濟組織制度都要糟糕得多。因此,資本主義既應當繼續存在下去,也將會繼續存在下去,正如上世紀 30 年代那場甚至比目前更為嚴重的經濟災難之後的情況。 -
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請用簡單的字彙,寫一篇日常對話式的短文,文章須含”Are you kidding?” 以及 ” No, I am serious! ” ,並將文章翻譯成中文。
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1 . Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mined the desired effect – success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun – as an actor might.
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【英文成語】吃亞巴虧【翻譯社翻譯欣賞】 2009-7-83904 今天帶大家一起學習一個很「中式化」的習語表達:吃啞巴虧。不學不知道,一學真奇妙! 吃啞巴虧 Suffering loss without redress Suffering loss without redress」&nb…
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【英文笑話】誰敢佔我便宜【翻譯社翻譯欣賞】 2009-7-84538 A well dressed young mandemanded as soon as he entered the restaurant: ”Serve me, quic…
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【英文詩歌】男兒本色【翻譯社翻譯欣賞】 2009-7-84224 Do you fear the force of the wind 你可害怕寒風凜冽 The slash of the rain? 你可畏懼大雨滂沱? Go face&n…